Are you ready to make money? 


Confidently sign your first $3k, $30k or $300k interior design project & deliver your services like a pro.

It’s easier than you think. 



Are you ready to make money?

Confidently sign your first $3k, $30k or $300k interior design project & deliver your services like a pro.

It’s easier than you think. 


H I ,  I ' M  L I N D S A Y


I help interior designers confidently sign their largest projects to date, & finally make money designing beautiful spaces for the world to live in. 

If you're not making money in your interior design business

It means you're doing it wrong.


And I've got a proven process that'll turn it all around.


You don't have to spend all your time on social, or have a robust & beautiful portfolio to make money as a designer.

You don't have to have formal training, or a certification to 'make it' either. 

In order to make money as a designer, you only need a few solid processes, skills & tools.

It's truly not as complicated as you think.

And I should know.

Once I develop & mastered a the process, skills & tools I now teach in my own business, I grew from $0 to closing $100,000 design fee packages, in just over 2 years. 

Once I started doing it right.

Once I understood what to focus on & the skills to master, everything changed for me. 

And I'm on a mission to teach what I've learned, to as many designers as I can.

I walk you through every single process & skill, inside the Interior Design Profit Lab program.


I teach you everything you need to know as simply as I can.

So you don't get distracted.


Simple isn't spending hours on social media, creating reels in hope to 'find' clients.

Or hours perfecting your branding, thinking that might just be the thing to fuel your confidence as you're starting out. 

In the beginning (if you’re earning less than $300k a year) you feel lost in terms of how to attract high quality clients (without a robust impeccable portfolio to help you sell). 

You have no idea how to bread through from where you are, to working on great projects you can finally capture for your portfolio.

Not to mention projects that convert to profits for all that hard work you put in.

You’re tired of the small jobs.

You’re tired of clients wanting to take over the project.

You’re tired of incomplete projects.

And you’re tired of working for free.

You're at a loss. And that's OK.

I will help you with everything you need to know.

The Interior Design Profit Lab process has been 10 years in the making.


And I've found the simplest way to profit as a design professional (all without even building a large team).

In the Interior Design Profit Lab, we take everything off your TO-DO list except the most vital steps that will actually help you confidently land high quality (& profitable) projects.

And then confidently deliver your services knowing you aren’t ’doing it wrong’.

We cut out all the fluff.

You feel less overwhelm. And stay focused on what’s important for you NOW.

Gain the confidence that you aren’t ‘doing it wrong, & stop 'winging it'.


The Interior Design Profit Lab program is for any designer currently making less than $300,000 a year in their business.

It teaches you the simple skills to attract better clients, price our your fees profitably, sell them with confidence, and deliver your services like a true professional.

Without wasting any more time.

If you’re currently struggling to make money as an interior designer this program will be the best investment you make. 

Each of the 5 Core Modules inside the Interior Design Profit Lab are designed to help you get 'un-stuck', and address the money making skills, and processes that will stay with you forever.


These skills & processes will make you better at attracting quality clients, landing profitable projects, more complete services, and  make you a better more confident & professional designer overall.

The Result?


Through a new found confidence, clarity, and time spend on the right things

The potential of your business growth becomes amplified.

You attract better clients, and with my proprietary sales process, you learn to increase conversion rates from those leads, create design proposals that convert AND guarantee a profit for you.

All presented in a way that increase your chance of working on a project in a full service capacity.

Then you deliver that service with so much precision, care and ease.

Your clients are ecstatic.

They tell all their friends, demand increases.

And you leverage that demand for increasing your prices at the right time.

No more undercharging to close the sale. 

No more overworking without billing for your time.

You are now making money in your business. 

With more ease than ever before.







It may be that over the last couple of years you've been able to duct tape things together - and fly by the seat of your pants using your sheer creative genius.


But that can be a pretty stressful way to run a business, let alone having no clear picture of where the next project is coming from, or how far you need to stretch your cash.


Or perhaps you’re just getting started and have the time to nurture your current projects, but not seeing any real profits at the end of the day. (pricing your projects too low, or not billing for all your time???)


Either way, It's time to take a real look at your business, and finally fix what’s not working.


Start with the Interior Design Profit Lab, and build your business one step at a time.

And when you get started with the IDPL process...


You also get help with...



● Creating self-confidence as you work towards selling larger design packages & believe you are the perfect designer to help your clients.

● Evaluating your progress so you always have awareness around what's working or how to adjust & what to do next.

● Managing your thoughts & emotions while putting yourself out there and learning new things.

● Where to spend your time when you aren't booked solid with projects, and what to get off your plate completely.

Who is this program for?


No matter your background, formal training (or lack thereof), the Interior Design Profit Lab will give you the skills to make money as an interior designer. 


That's because you'll learn the skills & process I developed and perfected over 10 years of running my own successful interior design business.


When you join the Interior Design Profit Lab, you start with the simple goal of making your investment back in the first 30 days. 


Of course, the potential to 10x your investment on your next project is there for you as well.


The process I teach has been proven.


We only focus on what's vital to have you sign amazing projects and make money, while helping you manage the mental drama that keeps you stuck.


When you join the Interior Design Profit Lab...


You attract the best clients

(without dancing on camera, or spending all your time posting...)


You simplify your services to drive more sales

Sign clients who are delighted to pay you for your premium service, and work with you from start to final reveal.


You master selling design

So you can convert all those enquiries into new ‘full-service’ projects every time, and learn that the way to make money…

Is to get better at sales.



You gain the confidence to charge more

Draft up fee proposals within minutes, while having the confidence that you will be earning a healthy profit with each & every project.


You deliver your services like a pro

You confidently & professionally deliver your services, knowing you've got a system to deliver projects on time & on budget.

Because the way to finally make money in your design business…


Is to get better at pricing your projects profitably, and in learning the skill of selling a luxury service like design.


Then to deliver your projects with such confidence, you create the best results for your clients... and they tell all their friends.


You've created clients for life. 

And you're finally making consistent money.


"Lindsay is the perfect combination of inspiring creativity and professional expertise. I've had the pleasure of working with her for years, and she's shown exceptional professionalism, organization, and expertise.
There's no one like Lindsay for interior designers.
Working with her is an absolute joy. Trust me, you won't be disappointed!"



 Lindsay is an amazing coach who has had a tremendous impact on my business.
With her help, I've gained confidence, focus, and a better understanding of pricing, and attracting the right clients.
Lindsay is a true gem who genuinely cares." 





Don't miss your chance to enrol in the
Interior Design Profit Lab



 If you're ready to create a profitable
Design Business you can be proud of, with the right foundation to see continuous growth year after year.



The Details


The program is designed to give you everything you need to make your success inevitable.

When you join, you get immediate access to the complete online program.

No waiting for modules to unlock. Binge watch the entire program, or take it one step at a time - it's up to you.

You can take it in 5 weeks or less. 

Once you're in the program, you're in for LIFE.

You get lifetime access, and all future updates or additional added content free of charge.

And the program is GUARANTEED. You either make your investment back, or we give it back. It's that simple.



Here is a breakdown of the core modules: 


✓ Learn 3 simple steps to attracting clients fast - on or offline

✓ How to position yourself and your brand

✓ How to share what you do (and how NOT to) so that you can attract the right people

✓ How to build relationships for long-term business success (even if you are an introvert)

✓ What actually influences a clients decision to hire YOU, and what doesn’t 


✓ You will learn the 3 requirements to making high quality offers for a luxury service like design

✓ You will learn how to differentiate yourself from your competitors in a way that feels aligned with who you are.

✓ You will learn how to create free & paid offers that compels potential clients into action

✓ You will learn how to structure those offers to increase your changes of being hired for a complete transformation

✓ You will learn how to create comfort for your potential client to feel safe investing with you


✓ You will learn which ‘tangible’ marketing assets to create to support your Organic Marketing. 

✓ You will learn how to get through the “I don’t have beautiful portfolio images yet” hurdle - and create Marketing Assets that showcases your talent NOW.

✓ You will learn what framework to use so that you can be effective here, and no longer waste hours on things that don’t matter.

 ✓ You will learn how to stand out, and attract your ideal clients (even if you are new and don’t have a single photograph on your portfolio)


✓ Learn how to sell in a way that serves the client

✓ You will learn the process that makes you fall in love with selling and the ability to apply those skills throughout your design projects as well

✓ You will learn the 4 step process to take your client from initial enquiry to project launch.

✓ You will learn the 5 step consultation process, including a minute by minute breakdown, of what to talk about throughout the sales process, AND successful in home Consultations that sell your full services for you.

✓ And you will learn how to talk about pricing and exactly how to present your offers in a way that has your clients excited to invest and work with you.


✓ You will learn what to charge to sell more design services, make more money, and generate demand

✓ You will learn exactly how to structure your rates and calculate fees with ease and confidence.

✓ You will learn how to structure your Design Agreement to ensure a successful project, client relationship & that you are legally covered.

✓ You will learn how to generate more profit per project, and identify where you are leaving money in the table

✓ You will learn how to tare care of your business finances, with a forward finance planning method that will ensure you even out that feast or famine cycle.


✓ You will receive access to all business templates, client facing documents, and dozens more templates & documents to make your own including:

• A complete Sales Process & Project Process Checklist PDF & Asana template.

• A sample design agreement

• A sample design fee proposal

• A Design Fee Calculator & Project Metrics tracker

• A sample Design Details Document

• A forward finance & project pipeline spreadsheet

• A collection of email template to trades, vendors & client newsletters

Join us in

The Interior Design Profit Lab 


To get:

 On demand access to the 5 core modules

 Access to the VAULT filled with all the templates, examples, questionnaires, & swipe files you need to deliver your services at the highest level.

All for just $3600 USD

And the absolute best part...


You get ALL of that, in addition to personalized weekly coaching to support you along the way as well.


If you enrol now, you will get unlimited personalized coaching and advice from us, as often as you need, to help accelerate you're growth as you master the modules.


Examples of what we might coach on include:


● Coming up with your plan of action for the next 90 days to implement your marketing strategy.

● Proposal / Design Fee review so that you can confidently begin to up-level your pricing & profits.

● General coaching, where we implement the IDPL process to achieve your goals, and help you develop more self-confidence as a designer and entrepreneur. 

● Audits. We will review emails, strategy, content, messaging, design agreements, proposals, positioning, that fit your brand and unique offer, so you can improve the quality of the projects you attract & execute on.

● Mindset & strategy coaching where you can discuss marketing, sales, pricing, the design process, scheduling & planning, business finances, and hiring, so you can get all the support you need in achieving your goals. 

● And answers to your most nagging questions like: 

"What do I do if clients want to split my discount?"

"What do I do if clients find the same item at a lower price online?"

"When do I start talking about numbers & budgets... and how do I get that number out of them?"

"How do I get my clients to commit to purchasing accessories and those final touches?"

The hands-on support is offered because I know what you're thinking...


 "I've done courses before, but how is this one different?"


There is no other program, offering this level of hands on personalized 1:1 support. 

Teaching interior designers how they can finally break through, to becoming industry leaders from very early on.

From signing their first high quality client, to getting fully booked and generating demand. 

We have thought of everything required to get interior designers rising up to a standard of excellence in how they work, right from the start.

This is your time.

Take a tour of what you get inside the program.


You will make your investment back on your very next project. But just know...



You complete the program and either make your investment back, or we give you your money back. 

(and trust me, I give you everything you need to make your success inevitable…)



Doors to The Interior Design Profit Lab program open only 3 times a year, so if you're serious about growing your interior design business, snag your spot for the free training now.


4 Simple Steps to your Next Best Project.

September 24th-26th.

Doors to The Interior Design Profit Lab open September 26th-Oct 3rd following the free training. See you there.

 I love that the program is evolving and new things keep being added.
I’ve implemented a lot of the teachings around the consultation package and fees pricing in the last few months.  I’ve been promoting the consultations and have had a lot of interest and success so far. 
I really like how you have laid everything out with very tangible instructions and examples. 
I’ve been a part of other courses that I felt were too introduction for my particular stage in the industry but have found a lot of valuable take-aways from your course. 
Just wanted to say thank you!



Keeley McCleary Interiors

 I just wanted to let you know how thrilled I am with the program. 
When we talked, I didn’t think I had the time to work on it right now, but I have been playing the videos while deep in drawings.
You are exactly what I’ve been looking for!
Everything you are talking about is in total alignment with what I have been trying to do and what I want to achieve.
While we are doing many of the things you are talking about, the program offers structure, discipline and validation. 
Thank you so much!



ALTER Design Studio

Lindsay has been an invaluable asset in helping me streamline my time management, effectively schedule projects, and plan out my workflow.
Her advice is not just theoretical; it's practical, tangible, and accompanied by a wealth of resources that have truly transformed my interior design practice.
Lindsay's expertise is not limited to coaching; she embodies a well-rounded understanding of the nuances of our industry.
Thanks to her guidance, I now feel equipped to seize opportunities without being engulfed by the demands of my business.
Lindsay is not just a coach; she's a mentor, a strategist, and a game-changer for any interior designer seeking to thrive in their craft."

- ADRIANA BLAND | Ikondium Design

Since joining IDPL my revenue has doubled.
Lindsay has helped me navigate the overwhelm with starting a business from scratch, as well as gain the confidence to charge more and create boundaries that would protect my profits, and allow me to work on projects in a less stressful and more impactful way. 
Thanks to Lindsay, I've moved into working on complete design projects from start to finish, and adding more profit revenues to each project. 
She's taught me what I never learned in design school and I couldn’t be more grateful.
Lindsay is a compassionate coach, yet capable of guiding me towards the right next steps in my business. It’s been a true delight to work with her.


Questions? Ask away!